Well, my few blog monsters (by Gaga's usage of that word, one must assume the new meaning for it means fans), I cannot believe it's been nearly a month since my last update! That will just not do. I sincerely apologize for my absence.
Well, what a month it has been! One of the main things that I've been doing is taking care of my little man. He has literally become most of what I do. I spend over forty hours a week taking care of him at times. And over the course of this ridiculous summer, I have fallen in love with this sixteen month old little boy. And now his new aupere is here.. and next week is my last week. And I can't imagine not seeing him. This might be harder than I thought..
On another note, I went to visit one of my sisters last weekend in the Boston area. I usually get stressed out visiting people, but I had so much fun! We went to a club called Bootie Boston, and danced the night away.. it was awesome. And then the next night we had a party! Great times..
And did I mention the incredibly amazing boy I met while I was there? Yeah. Um, he's adorable and super nice and is coming to visit me this weekend. Just talking about him takes my breath away. Oh my :)